Monday, November 19, 2007

click click

click your heels 3x times, dorothy...

have you ever found yourself in a situation wherein you can't believe everything is falling apart? the most important people in your life are just slipping through your fingers and you wonder, is this even real? is this happening? when did the journey spiral out of nowhere? one day you thought you knew where things were, the next, its like, who are these people?

these are the days wherein you wish you were dorothy and you had the key to go home the whole time. all it takes is a simple clicking of your heels and you wake up. if life were only that simple.

which one are you?
i have a friend who recently lost her boyfriend in a very tragic way. if i were in her shoes i'd probably be a wreck. i'm so proud of the way she is handling herself and i can't even begin to imagine if i were in her shoes. i would be so devastated.
anyway, we were texting this morning and our conversation suddenly shifted to who we were in terms of the sex in the city cast. i know, a bit dated, considering the show ended a while ago na. but hey! their making a movie out of it. so we're not as dated after all.

so as usual, i tend to be categorized as charlotte. i know its a compliment in many respects but at the same time i have to think back... charlotte had the worst luck in men! while samantha got all the hot ones! hmmm... my friend compared herself to miranda. i dunno... never really thought about it. a bit of carrie wouldn't hurt either. minus the flower accessory. just some fun analogy at 7 in the morning. something different to start out my day and week for that matter. and anything to cheer her up.

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