Sunday, April 25, 2010


With only a few weeks left, the madness continues. Its hard to come from a small town where everybody knows everybody and are somehow related to the other in more ways than one. But we vote by conscience and by the way we see that person dealing with the trial up ahead. It may all be games right now but when the reality sets in and the names are announced, thats when a lot of hurt can happen. You think a lot of people have gotten hurt na? You haven't seen anything yet if the people we vote for fall flat on their faces.

Best example I think is Obama. Americans practically worshiped him! The rest of the world fell into the spell of the whole Obama-ism movement. Months into it, what has he done, really? More talk and no work. Bush may had been a clutz and a simpleton but at least he did something. Sometimes not the right things but he did take action the best way he knew how.

I'm scared that people in the Philippines are so caught up in the moment. The mythology of it all. I pray for all to wake up and finally go where their minds take them. Its not a matter of whos popular or unpopular. Its about whats right. And we all know right is not always and never will be the popular choice.

Vote wisely. God as our guide. Only He knows whats up ahead.

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